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Fund Matrix

The risk return matrix sets the annual performance of each investment fund in relation to its underlying risk (expressed as volatility p.a.). Generally a higher expected return implies acceptance of a higher degree of risk. The following graphs shows the average annual performance as well as the underlying risk of the DJE Funds in relation to their respective benchmark over the last 5 or 10 years respectively.

Source: DJE Kapital AG, Bloomberg, as at 28/06/2024
For the illustrated I tranches certain minimum investment amounts apply. In this context, we refer to the sales documents, which can be found under "Downloads" of the respective fund.

The performance is calculated using the BVI (Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e.V.) method, i.e. without taking into account the subscription fee. Individual expenses such as fees, commissions and other charges are not taken into account in the data and would have a detrimental effect on the performance if they were. The subscription fees payable reduce the invested capital as well as the performance depicted. Data on past performance are not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Model calculation: The front end load of EUR 50 (5.00%) on an initial investment of EUR 1000.00 over a typical investment period of five years immediately reduces the initial investment amount. In addition performance reducing annual individual security deposit costs may result. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.
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